Tether (USDT) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) exchange rate is approximately 1 USDT = 7.26 CNY (CoinGecko) (Coinbase) (CoinYEP) today. If you want to get the latest exchange rate information, you can visit websites such as CoinGecko, Coinbase, or CoinYEP for inquiries.
The latest price of USDT today:
Currency Name
Dollar Price
24H Change
Market Cap
Initial Issue Price
24h High
24h Low
103.22 billion
USDT Trend Chart:
7 days
30 days
Last 3 months
Last year
7 days
30 days
Last 3 months
Last year
If you want to check the exchange rate of USDT to CNY, you can use the following methods:
Method 1: Use cryptocurrency trading platforms
Cryptocurrency trading platforms usually provide real-time exchange rate information. Here are several commonly used platforms:
Website: CoinGecko USDT to CNY
Instructions: After entering the website, search for “USDT to CNY” to view real-time exchange rate information.
Website: Coinbase USDT to CNY
Instructions: Select USDT and CNY on the converter page to get the latest exchange rate.
Website: CoinYEP USDT to CNY
Instructions: This platform provides various currency conversion services, including real-time exchange rate for USDT to CNY.
Method 2: Use cryptocurrency news and information websites
These websites not only provide exchange rate information but also market dynamics and news:
Website: 3commas USDT to CNY
Instructions: After entering the website, you can use the exchange rate conversion tool to check the current exchange rate of USDT to CNY.
Website: WalletInvestor USDT to CNY
Instructions: Search for the exchange rate of USDT to CNY on the website to get the latest data.
Method 3: Use search engines
Simply enter a search query in the search engine, such as “USDT to CNY exchange rate”, and the search results usually display the current exchange rate information.
As of today, June 18, 2024, the exchange rate of Tether (USDT) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) is as follows:
CoinGecko: 1 USDT = 7.25 CNY (CoinGecko).
Coinbase: 1 USDT = 7.26 CNY (Coinbase).
CoinYEP: 1 USDT = 7.27 CNY (CoinYEP).
The exchange rate of Tether (USDT) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) today is approximately 1 USDT = 7.26 CNY (CoinGecko) (Coinbase) (CoinYEP). If you want to get the latest exchange rate information, you can visit websites such as CoinGecko, Coinbase, or CoinYEP for inquiries.
These websites not only provide the latest exchange rate information but also allow users to view the historical trend of exchange rates, making them suitable for detailed exchange rate analysis and comparison. If you have more questions about Tether or other cryptocurrencies, you can always refer to the data and tools provided by these platforms for inquiries.